Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I do not consider myself the best example of Christianity, but I have been involved in our Eucharistic Adoration program for some 6 years. For those of you who are not Catholic, Adoration is an opportunity to spend an hour with Jesus at church in the presence of his Holy Body. To non-Catholics I know this must sound creepy, but to me it is a beautiful and peaceful way to share time with Jesus. The monstrance, the vessel in which the Eucharist is held, is placed on the altar. I have a whole hour to talk to Jesus in His most holy presence. I know He is with me at all other times, but there is something almost transforming about being in His presence in a quiet church with just myself, or maybe with one other fellow adorer, that is pure peace.
I sometimes walk into church (being a church employee, I have duties that require me to prepare the altar for weekend masses)and simply have an overwhelming feeling of the joy of Christ. I can't explain it, but I am so thankful for it. I often feel like a sub-moderate human being, but in this time with Jesus, I know He is with me and that He is letting me know, "Ann, give yourself a break and just enjoy me".

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