Monday, August 27, 2007

Back Pain and Endless Parenting.

Thanks to all the kind bloggers who responded to my initial posts! I hope to get to know you all in cyberspace. Maybe we can meet up with Ziggy Stardust out there. (I know, I'm really showing my age now.)

Last Friday, I began a three day excursion to Williamsburg, VA. to move my oldest child into her grad school apartment. She is studying gifted education (and by gifted I don't mean "How to Wrap a Present" 101). She hopes to develop programs for kids who excel in school and often get overlooked. Needless to say, I am very proud of her as I am of all my kids for completely different reasons.
My reason for bringing this up is directly related to the back pain I am experiencing today. I drove 10 hours to the college of William & Mary on Friday, helped my daughter unpack her belongings on Sat., then drove 10 more hours home on Sunday. Mentally, I still feel as though I am a relatively young person, but my pesky body tells me otherwise. My back is spasming today. I didn't do anything amazingly strenuous, and yet, here I am trying not to notice the lurking "oooga, oooga" that is screaming from my back. Really, aging doesn't bother me so much, but I still worry about the dreams I have not pursued. I was lucky to be blessed with a bit of a vocal talent....I'm sure some would disagree......and in college I did a bit of lounge singing (I know, God forbid) and a lot of dinner theatre. By the way, my husband also joined me on stage during that time. He has a booming bass voice that he doesn't use at all. A shame!!!
Once the children came, I was consumed with caring for them. Now they are basically on their own and I toy with the idea of getting back into some sort of performing. I lack direction. I hear loud and clear that God wants us to use our talents and I did sing with our church choir for several years, but I long for something more professional. I generally am not a go-getter, though.

So, again, here I am feeling a little like an asteroid, or maybe Ziggy Stardust, spinning out of control in space. I want to trust the good Lord, and yet I am not sure how much to depend on Him and how much to depend on myself and Him.


Sarah Reinhard said...

Ziggy Stardust? I think you should find some pictures, sister. :)

Maybe you should start a duet with your back...

But seriously, saying prayers for your back. OUCH. (I'm sure Daughter appreciates all your help though!) And watching with interest where this "calling" leads you... :)

RM Walter-Proulx said...

Daughter does appreciate your help very much -- I'm sorry it causes pain.

But I think the real question is: David Bowie, do you have one really funky sequined space suit, Bowie, or do you have several ch-ch-ch-changes?

Cynthia said...

I love David Bowie I have all his albums or had I should say. I wonder if he's out in CD form? Saw him in concert in the early 80's in Detroit. Very interesting!
My perscription for back pain-2 advil 1 adult beverage of your choice super hot bath then into bed early with a good book. Get extra rest and you will feel like a new woman. Then jump back on the wagon the next day and do a little stretching and or exercises!!!
Oh and a prayer!