Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Suprise of Friends

Had a wonderful evening last night with my three good friends and our spouses. My girl friends and I met at our church years ago and have been fast friends since. Fifteen years ago, one of the ladies, Mary, needed to make a trip to her widowed father's beach house in Maryland to clear up some details. We had all just barely gotten to know each other through our church folk choir. On a whim, she asked me, Meg and Theresa, our two other now "buds", to join her for a long weekend. I had three relatively young kids at the time and was unsure if my husband would think this was a great idea. He reluctantly agreed and there I was traveling with three unknown entities. I remember thinking, "I don't even know these girls and I'm committing four days of my life with them. What if we don't really want to hang out with each other after all?" PPSHA!!! I made three tremendous friends that weekend and we remain best of friends. This Thursday we head out for our 15th, yes 15th, girl's trip. New York City! We have been to Las Vegas, the Bahamas, Toronto, Chicago, Scottsdale and many other enticing locations, but the best part of the journey is that it doesn't matter where we go, we have so much fun! We find humor in the little things and laugh until we can't laugh anymore. We've tried to let "Oprah" in on our little secret, but she doesn't seem interested. We've gotten so good at this that we have our own savings account for our trips, as well as our own credit card to use. We rack up points on our card to use on future trips. Our motto is "we love we". And shouldn't we? God has given me three spectacular friends that I can share my joys, tears, and mostly, laughs with. I am so thankful for these girls and I wish my good fortune on all women out there.

1 comment:

RM Walter-Proulx said...

Have fun on your girls trip, Mammy!!!